
Radiology clinic

Timely diagnosis is always one step closer to cure...

Welcome to radiology clinic Mag-Medica

Radiology clinic MAG-MEDICA is a private practice specialized in magnetic resonance imaging. It uses a SIEMENS AVANTO 1.5 T machine. Our MRI system enables complex MRI scans "from head to toe". Recently, in our clinic, you can also undergo ultrasound examinations. In the pleasent ambiance of our clinic, we conduct accurate diagnosis of many diseases.

MRI machine

The attractive and functional design of the MAGNETOM Avanto 1.5T machine makes it appealing to every patient. Reduced scan times and feet-first entry into the machine also help alleviate the anxiety of patients who may have a fear of enclosed spaces. Furthermore, the reduced noise during scanning makes this machine especially comfortable for imaging. We care about the comfort of our patients just as much as we care about their health.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive, painless diagnostic method that is superior to other methods in most cases. It operates on the principle of electromagnetic waves, so there are no harmful effects as it does not use ionizing radiation, unlike CT scans or X-rays. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be repeated without any adverse impact on the human body. Even intravenous contrast agents, which are administered in certain cases, have proven to be safe after decades of use.

MRI imaging is completely safe for individuals of all ages, including infants and pregnant women in the second and third trimesters. Patients who cannot undergo MRI are those with implanted pacemakers and other electronic devices, rare models of artificial heart valves, or implanted ferromagnetic foreign bodies. Most other implants, such as artificial hips, are made from non-ferromagnetic materials, so they are not a contraindication for undergoing the examination.


Ultrasound (US), also known as sonography, is a non-invasive, painless diagnostic method that plays a crucial role in prevention, diagnosis, and health monitoring. This technique is based on the use of high-frequency ultrasound waves that travel through the body and create detailed images of internal organs. What makes ultrasound exceptionally safe is the fact that it does not use ionizing radiation, unlike some other diagnostic methods such as computed tomography (CT) or X-rays.

Ultrasound is widely used for the examination of internal organs such as the liver, spleen, bladder, kidneys, and pancreas. Additionally, it can be employed to explore the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, breasts, and testicles. This makes ultrasound a versatile tool in diagnosing various conditions, from detecting inflammations and tumors to monitoring pregnancies and fetal development.

What is particularly important is that ultrasound diagnostics are safe for people of all ages, including infants and pregnant women. Due to its safety, ultrasound is often used both as a preventive measure and as part of routine check-ups. This enables early detection of potential issues and diseases, thereby improving healthcare and helping preserve the quality of life.

Our team of specialists

We are one of the few clinics where you can perform breast MRI, as well as MRI enterography and colonography (examinations of the large and small intestines). In addition to conventional MR imaging and US examinations, we also offer advanced neuroimaging techniques such as MR spectroscopy and functional MRI.

Expert breast MRI examination is performed by Prof. Dragana Bogdanović-Stojanović, MD, radiologist.

MRI enterography and colonography is performed by Nenad Spasić, MD, radiologist.

MRI of the musculoskeletal system is performed by Vedran Žigić, MD, and Nikola Anđelić, MD, radiologists.

MR spectroscopy and functional MRI are performed by Prof. Jelena Ostojić, medical physicist.

Other MR examinations are performed by Aleksandar Ragaji, MD, Miloš Vuković, MD, and Igor Nosek, MD, radiologists.

US examinations are performed by Miloš Vuković, MD, and Igor Nosek, MD, radiologists.